What Did They Do With the Spanish Flu 2


When the SARS COV-2 pandemic began to impact the world I released an article and video on available reports from the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919. Subsequent to this I reached out to Jason Haxton from the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine to ask if he would be willing to write an article further expanding on the available evidence. Below is the text that Jason Haxton and I wrote together and chose to release here on this website. Prior to the text I will re-post the initial video so that the place I began is visible and the greater detail in the text may become apparent.

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What it Might Have Looked Like…


Here we use the reports made by osteopathic physicians from 1917-1920 in the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-1919 to show some of the methods they may have used on areas of special consideration. We also discuss that most hands-on practitioners today WILL NOT and SHOULD NOT be treating patients with infectious diseases UNLESS PROPERLY TRAINED AND ACCREDITED. Further, we discuss that IF a practitioner does have practice privileges with infectious patients they will have to adjust approaches due to hospital bed setups as well as weakened patients. These treatments WILL NOT cure infection. Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) does seem to help reduce length of stay in many hospital situations.

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What Did They Do With The Spanish Flu?


In this video we speak about the commonalities in reports from osteopathic physicians in the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919. I believe this link will take you to the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine’s Google Drive file that contains the documents of reports about the Spanish Flu (click here). Please watch the video below.

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